Recall that in year 2000, our state suffered a credit crisis due to its spending surpassing its income and yet in the last five years our state spending has grown by one third. Our state cannot continue to spend at this outrageous rate and our legislature is responsible for this growth in spending. We must demand that government operate effectively and efficiently which will give each taxpayer the most return on their tax dollars.
Government, all government, has the purpose of serving its constituency. This must never be forgotten. Its power must be equaled by its efficiency in serving. Government has no money of its own. Taxes are necessary to run government but excessive taxes and wasteful spending are unacceptable. One hundred percent of government expenditures must efficiently and effectively serve the people. Excess taxation only builds excess government. No one likes to be told how to spend one’s money, but excessive government spending is doing just that! As your Senator I will work to make all state government more efficient and strive to ensure that each tax dollar is spent wisely and effectively.